Let's Podcast

Digital Democracy

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Anika Kashyap and Tanishka Das .*. They will conduct an engaging session on Digital Democracy So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Student Entrepreneurs Spotlight

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast - Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Raunak Mohata and Angel Gupta .. They will conduct an engaging session on Student Entrepreneurs Spotlight. So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Nature's Blueprint: Bioinspired Design in Architecture

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Kanika Gera and Gunjan Sehgal .. They will conduct an engaging session on Nature's Blueprint: Bioinspired Design in Architecture. So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

The Intersection of Art and Technology in Modern Education

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Wadeema Khan and Shambhavi Mishra .. They will conduct an engaging session on The Intersection of Art and Technology in Modern Education So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Ecowheels Expedition:Reducing Carbon Footprints on the Go!!

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Areeb Anwar, Aryahi Rawat. They will conduct an engaging session on Ecowheels Expedition: Reducing Carbon Footprints on the Go!! So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Farm Fables: Supporting Local Growers for Zero Hunger

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, * *. They will conduct an engaging session on Farm Fables: Supporting Local Growers for Zero Hunger So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Navigating the Digital Age: Internet Safety and Cyber Security

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Anushka Soni and Yashika Aggarwal .. They will conduct an engaging session on Navigating the Digital Age: Internet Safety and Cyber Security So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Global Perspectives : Understanding Indian Culture

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Abdul Baasit and Tanya Rawat .*. They will conduct an engaging session on Global Perspectives : Understanding Indian Culture So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Financial Literacy for Students : Navigating Money Matters

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Rimsha Bhatnagar and Pranika.. They will conduct an engaging session on Financial Literacy for Students : Navigating Money Matters So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Youth Mental Health Matters : Breaking the Stigma

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast- Young Minds, Big Ideas by the meritorious students, Aadrika Rastogi and Samriddhi Singh. They will conduct an engaging session on Youth Mental Health Matters : Breaking the Stigma So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

The Art of Communication: Enhancing Interpersonal Skills

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast by the meritorious students. They will conduct an engaging session on: The Art of Communication: Enhancing Interpersonal Skills. So, turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

From Trash to Treasure : Upcycling for Sustainable Development

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast by the meritorious students _Garv Bhatnagar and Tanish Verma . They will conduct an engaging session on From Trash to Treasure : Upcycling for Sustainable Development So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this mindful discussion.

Resilience and Coping Strategies : Navigating life's challenges

Warm Welcome to the latest episode of our Let's podcast by the meritorious students Mihika Goyal and Anika Goyal . They will conduct an engaging session on Resilience and Coping Strategies : Navigating life's challenges So , turn on your receptive mode to make out the most of this imbibing discussion.

The Future of Sustainable Fashion: Exploring Innovations and Ethical practices in the Fashion Industry

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast by the meritorious students Simarpreet Kaur and Shashwat Singh . They will conduct an engaging session on The Future of Sustainable Fashion: Exploring Innovations and Ethical practices in the Fashion Industry So , turn on your receptive mode to make the most of this uplifting discussion.

Beyond the screen - Balancing screen time and well - being

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast by the meritorious students Pooshti Choudhary and Deetya Sidhu. They will conduct an enlightening session on Beyond the screen - Balancing screen time and well - being We all know that it has become a bitter truth , but if determined , it can be managed in positive and healthy ways . So , hold your breath and be there with us.........

Future Careers - Exploring options and Developing multi faceted skills

Warm Welcome to our Latest episode of Let's podcast by meritorious students Pankhuri Gupta and Sakshi Saanvi who will conduct an informative talk on Future Careers - Exploring options and Developing multi faceted skills required in the present scenario. So , hold your breath and be there with us.........

Waste Segregation and Disposal

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to yet another informative episode of Let's podcast. Here we have two outstanding students Anshika Nijhawan and Iqra Ahmed.In this episode, they will elucidate about recycling,compositing and landfill diversion. This advantageous discussion will educate us about waste segregation and its importance.

Benefits of Ayurveda

Dear friends, a warm welcome to another informative episode of Let's Podcast. Today, we feature two outstanding eighth-grade students, Akshat and Avneet. In this episode, they will elaborate on the benefits of Ayurveda in today's world. This insightful discussion will guide us on how Ayurveda can work wonders not only for our physical health but also our mental well-being.

Health Education

Dear friends, welcome to the latest episode of Let's Podcast. In this podcast, we have two proficient students, Guaransh and Vibhuti, who will lead us through an insightful discussion on health. Adolescence is a crucial period in a child's life, characterized by significant physical and emotional changes. It is imperative to cultivate healthy habits that contribute to overall well-being. Throughout this podcast, we will delve into key aspects of promoting health, including physical fitness, mental well-being, and nutrition.

Unlocking Financial Wisdom- A conversation with Young Minds

Welcome to another interesting and intellectually stimulating episode of let’s podcast. In this episode we have 2 Brilliant VII graders,Hiba and Sanvi, who will plunge in the topic of Financial Literacy. This intellectual discussion would make you the master of managing your self earned money. The episode shall also give you an insight upon how in your day to day life you can make smart choices and focus on effective money management.

Unity Against Bullying

Dear Friends, Welcome to the latest episode of ‘Let’s Podcast’. In this episode, we have two skilful 7th class students, Anshika and Hiba, who will dive in a thoughtful discussion on Bullying. Join us for this informative and morally stimulating discussion on the causes, after effects and underlying reasons for Bullying. The episode would also give an insight on how we can make our society free from this social evil “Bullying”.

G-20 summit 2023

Dear friends, welcome to the latest episode of 'LET'S PODCAST'. In this episode, we have two talented 7th-grade students, Trisha Gupta and Saanvi Sachdeva, who will engage in an insightful discussion about India's role in the G-20 summit. Join us for this enlightening conversation, as we explore the significance of India's presence on the global stage and it’s role in the summit. Stay tuned for an engaging and informative discussion.

Healthy Food

"If wealth is lost ,nothing is lost. If character is lost, something is lost . If health is lost ,everything is lost" Healthy food is key to have active lifestyle and good life. Having healthy eating habits is not easy, when you have quick ,affordable ,readily available unhealthy food options around . But consumption of balanced and nutritional diet not only promises healthy body but also ensures happy future and makes all the difference.

Antibiotic Resistance

Hassan Nadeem and Arpit Jha of class XII-A have struck a collaboration to bring to you an immaculate podcast on the topic 'Antibiotic Resistance'. Medicines aka antibiotics have saved human life various times. But a new danger named 'antibiotic resistance' is lurking, making the disease causing organisms to resist the effect of antibiotics. There might be a time approaching where none of our available antibiotics work. So, Sit back, Relax and listen about this captivating topic.

Genome Mapping

This Podcast has been presented by Harsh Trivedi & Daksh Sharma of Class XII. Cell is a fundamental unit of living organisms, which contains genetic material passed from one generation to another. A complete set of genes in a cell is known as genome. In this podcast we have discussed about Genome Mapping which helps us to locate the genes and estimate the distance between them. So sit back, listen and understand.


This Podcast has been presented by Drishti Sharma and Vedanshi Latiyan of Class XII. In this podcast we discuss how individuals especially adolescents become susceptible to eating disorders due to the complex interaction of societal pressures, biological and psychological factors such as low self esteem, depression and anxiety. An eating disorder is much more than food, it is cry for help. So sit back, listen and understand.

Lifestyle and Mental Health

This Podcast has been presented by Diya Sethi of Class XII. The mental health of a person includes his social , emotional and psychological well being. In this podcast we discuss how a healthy life style involving balanced diet, exercise and self care may prevent the onset or worsening of mental health conditions. So sit back, listen and stay updated.

Introduction to a Podcast

Dear friends, Welcome to the First Season of LPS PODCAST. Here are some lectures given by students on various issues dealing with adolescents. This is a fortnightly podcast which will take you to a journey of learning and growing. This fortnight we present to you a lecture on life style and mental health. Sit back, listen and stay updated


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